Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Philosophy - Essay Example The film depicts the class difference in the society where the powerful manipulate the less fortunate for social and economic gains. The three categories describe human nature which Plato asserts consists of the appetite, the spirit, and the reason. The most skeptical members of the society are those who govern the rest. As portrayed in the film, they seek to manipulate their kind for the economic gains, which contravenes the dictates of ideal coexistence in the society. To achieve this, they seek mechanisms to manipulate others. The film depicts those who develop computer programs that compel the rest of the human population to be at their mercy. The programs have the ability to manipulate everyone, yet the inventors do not employ that on themselves but on others that they deem secondary (Plato, Ferrari, and Griffith 34). However, Plato and Desecrates concur that everyone possesses a quality of opposition especially on issues that they do not concur in. This is what led to the liber alization of most contemporary democracies. Regardless of their positions in the society, humans will always oppose any idea that seeks to subordinate their existence. Additionally, in his description of the state, Plato observes that the workers are always the majority in any society. They may not always have much wealth or capital, but their large number is their greatest power. The ruling class consists of a select few who often, as per the dictates of democracies, promise to protect the interest of the rest of the population. When united in an opposition, the workers topple states and governments. The film depicts this and uses the zeal to oppose oppressive regimes to develop an effective conflict... This paper approves that Plato and Desecrates concur that everyone possesses a quality of opposition especially on issues that they do not concur in. This is what led to the liberalization of most contemporary democracies. Regardless of their positions in the society, humans will always oppose any idea that seeks to subordinate their existence. Additionally, in his description of the state, Plato observes that the workers are always the majority in any society. They may not always have much wealth or capital, but their large number is their greatest power. The ruling class consists of a select few who often, as per the dictates of democracies, promise to protect the interest of the rest of the population. The film depicts this and uses the zeal to oppose oppressive regimes to develop an effective conflict that sustains the story. This paper makes a conclusion that Descartes explains the origin of science which the film also exhibits. He emphasizes the use of reason to develop science; the developers of the film employ extensive reasoning to help stretch the limits of science. Descartes asserts that philosophy is like a tree with metaphysics as the roots and physics as the trunk. All other branches of science such as physics, medicine, and ethics thus stem out of the trunk. In this assertion, Descartes explains that ethics should always govern human curiosity and result in the determination of ethical knowledge. The lack of ethics in any of such endeavors is likely to meet resistance from the disadvantaged just as the film depicts.

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